
May 10, 2022
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Chinese character Chi
Chinese character Chi

The ancient Chinese described Qi or Chi as "life force" or "cosmic energy".

They believe this energy can pass through everything, material or not, and connect their surroundings together in one universe.

Chi is also linked to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive unitary function.

By understanding the rhythm and flow of Chi, they believe they can guide exercises and treatments to provide stability and longevity.

Although the concept is important in many Chinese philosophies, over the centuries descriptions of Chi have varied and sometimes contradicted.

It wasn't until later when this Chinese philosophy came into contact with Western scientific ideas and philosophies that Chi was applied under the category of 'the basis of life' on the same level as matter and energy.

Chi and Feng Shui

Feng Shui, the traditional Chinese art of geomancy, is known for its way of organizing the placement and arrangement of spaces, based on calculating the balance of Chi, the interaction between the five elements, Yin and Yang, and other factors.

The retention or removal of Chi is believed to affect the health, wealth, energy levels, luck, and many other aspects of the occupants.

Attributes of the external form of the property and the internal space of the property will affect the flow of Chi by slowing it down, redirecting it, or speeding it up.

This is the basis of how Feng Shui sees Chi as a universal energy that affects the energy levels of the occupants.

Positive chi flows in curved lines, while negative chi flows in straight lines.  

In order for Chi to be nourishing and positive, it must continue to flow neither too fast nor too slow.

Also, Chi should not be blocked suddenly, as it will become stagnant and become bad energy.

Want to know about Feng Shui? Read Feng Shui 101 us.

Feng Shui Luopan Chi organizer
Feng Shui Luopan

One of the uses of luopan is to detect Chi flow.

The quality of chi is always time-dependent, so the energy can go up and down (good and bad) depending on the time.

Feng Shui, which can be read using a compass, can be thought of as a form of divination from Chinese metaphysics that assesses the quality of the local environment.

Three Chi Life Energies

Chi Langit Bumi Manusia
Chinese Characters for Heaven, Earth, and People

There are three types of Chi, known as Heavenly Chi, Earthly Chi, and Human Chi.

Celestial Chi consists of natural forces including the sun, planets, and rain.

Heavenly Chi is also known as karma, something that humans earn when they are born into the world.

Celestial Chi cannot be changed, but it can be read through the BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) technique.

Heavenly Chi is an energy that we cannot control.

Earth Chi is influenced by Heaven Chi.

For example, too much sunlight will cause drought, and lack of sunlight will cause plants to die.

Earth Chi is an energy that can be digested by looking at the positive and negative aspects of the external and internal features of the property.

Chi Earth is the location where our good fortune will appear.

Human Chi is affected by Earth Chi, as the environment affects humans.

Human Chi is the energy that governs the decisions and choices we make so that things can go our way.

Feng Shui is a balancing act between the Chi of Heaven, Earth, and Humans.

More precisely, Feng Shui helps us to prepare Earth Chi and Human Chi to provide good energy so that we can balance Sky Chi.

On top of these three chi, there is one other chi known as Universal/Spiritual Chi.

It is this Universal Chi that gives spiritual power to all living beings in the universe.

Sheng Chi (Life Chi)

The Chinese term "sheng" is a force that provides life-enhancing energy or positive influence.

In Feng Shui applications, we always look for locations that are supported by Sheng Chi externally as well as directions that are best for us internally.

That said, in any internal application of Feng Shui, 4 directions will provide positive energy, and the other 4 directions will provide negative energy.

To learn about these cardinal directions and areas, we must go deeper into Feng Shui in the San Yuan department known as the 8 Mansions.

But in this modern age, most negative directions can be seen from a global human perspective and become positive when we direct external and internal Chi energy to strengthen health, income, or well-being.

Water features can provide good Sheng Chi when they are clean, flowing slowly, not dirty, not stagnant, not loud like a waterfall, but instead provide peace and a good Chi reservoir.

Mountain features can give Sheng Chi when they are sloping, lush with greenery, not too sharp or pointed, not rocky, not dry, nor damaged or destroyed by other natural impacts.

Basically, every external and internal feature of a property can be judged favorably if they provide Sheng Chi.

Sha Chi (Death Chi)

The Chinese term "sha" implies an influence that can be harmful or destructive.

In the application of Feng Shui, we always avoid locations that are unfavorable, that make the Chi flow too hard and sharp, that make Sha Chi externally or unfavorable direction for ourselves internally.

The most common Sha Chi we see in Southeast Asian countries is a tall, cluttered, cable-filled electricity or telephone pole that interferes with the natural setting.

At Feng Shui 8 MansionsThere is one sector that is considered to be a truly negative direction, and that is the sector known as the Jue Ming (绝命) sector aka Disaster and Death.

This term Jue Ming is a life-threatening sector of Chi, used in this context primarily to describe the most severe misfortune that can befall a household if the energy residing in that sector is affected.

Basically, Feng Shui 8 Mansions is a category of Feng Shui that is more effectively used for the long term, as a result, even if the Jue Ming sector is used, as long as it is not activated for more than a few months or a maximum of 1 year, the health of the individual using it will still be maintained.

What is more important is to avoid having Sha Chi in the outer formation of the property.

If the external cannot be avoided, then at least we can avoid the sector or negate the negative Sha Chi energy with techniques from Feng Shui Masters.

Manifestation of Chi

Three Manifestations of Chi
Manifestation of Chi

Chi as life energy tends to bring changes into your life in a subtle but definite way.

The manifestation of Chi can be seen in three different forms:

  1. Health
  2. Relationship
  3. Prosperity

Chi affects the way we think, the way we project our emotions, our desires and willpower that we strive for on a daily basis, the bond between us and other living beings, the level of energy we bring into our daily actions, and our own well-being.

In short, Chi can drastically change our lives.

Good chi will bring about positive changes in your life.

But keep in mind that good Chi is not enough, there needs to be action coming from us to mold the good energy into good intentions.

Chi is the Energy of Life
Chi changes Life (Photo by Brett Jordan)

 The power of this universal energy can change your thoughts and actions.

Like in Feng Shui, we look at mountain and water features to determine how our thoughts work and influence our actions.

If our energy is good and positive, we can be productive and feel fulfilled in life.

Conversely, if our energy is low and bad, then we feel lost, we are angry all the time, there is no energy to do anything.

Organizing Earth and Human Chi

Feng Shui is a Chinese science that essentially involves managing the flow of Chi energy to bring in positive energy and avoid negative energy.

Above the Chi of Heaven, Earth and Humans is another Chi that governs the spiritual world, this we call Universal Chi.

In application, Feng Shui is the regulation of the Earth's Chi so that Humans become positive and can change the lives of people who are in a positive location.

Heavenly Chi, on the other hand, is a gift from the Almighty, carried from birth, and cannot be changed, although it can be interpreted through the Chinese astrology technique known as BaZi (four pillars of destiny).

So Chi is a major element in Feng Shui, and the Kismet team can bring you better life energy through the internal and external arrangements of your home or residence so as to enrich your attitude, strengthen your character, and build your abilities.

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