Feng Shui 101

April 26, 2022
Feng shui outdoor prosperity
hello world!

Feng Shui is a metaphysical science (not a religion) that has a clear methodology, based on the principles of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the use of wind direction to utilize Qi (or often spelled Chi or Ki), which is the natural energy found in our universal environment.

It is a Chinese heritage that can regulate the flow of energy to bring in positive energy and avoid negative energy.

Feng Shui has nothing to do with religion and can be called a culture-neutral, non-religious observation, so it won't change your principles or beliefs.

It's more about getting to know how to bring good luck to yourself and your family by utilizing the natural energy that already exists in the universe around us.

What is Feng Shui

Feng shui is a Chinese heritage science that regulates the flow of energy, and its effect in bringing in positive energy and avoiding negative energy.

People in China have believed in this metaphysics for thousands of years, starting with the belief that a good layout can have a positive influence on the inhabitants of the place.

This art of harnessing the cosmic energy of Qi is used to assess one's life through observation and analysis of one's surroundings.

Believe it or not, this cosmic Qi energy affects all of us directly although indirectly.

External Feng Shui of the House that Brings Hockey

The external environment around us plays an important role in evaluating the Feng Shui of your property.

This is because the environment that surrounds your property is an energy source that generates and creates Qi.

Therefore, the environment is a very important factor to consider in studying the Qi energy around your property during a Feng Shui audit.

If you are new to Feng Shui, you might be wondering what this reference to 'the neighborhood' is all the areas around us.

I am not referring to whether or not there is air pollution or water pollution in the area (although these have some role).

In Feng Shui, when we talk about the External environment, we are talking about the Mountains and Waters in the area surrounding your property.


Finding a good external environment is always the first step to ensuring your property has good Feng Shui.

If your property is located in an area that has a good external environment, then checking and implementing Feng Shui with your consultant will be much easier.

If your property is located in a bad neighborhood, then your consultant's work will not only become harder, but sometimes it will become limited due to the external environment.

If your property is not receiving good Qi or is located in an area with negative Qi, then not too much can be done to change that fate.

External Features: Land

Things to consider when observing the external environment are the land, mountain location, water location, surrounding roads, and existing open spaces.

Finding a positive External environment is the first stage in bringing in good Qi energy.

When we talk about soil, we mean the area where Qi energy gathers.

In Feng Shui, you can only utilize whatever Qi your land receives from the external environment.

So choosing the right type of soil, and one that can receive Qi from the environment, is very important.

In this context, good soil is soil that can receive and contain Qi, which can then be utilized by using your buildings or structures.

In essence, your soil is where the Qi is held. If you have good soil then the Qi received will be good and not go bad in it.

External Features: Mountains

Feng Shui Features Mountains
Features of Bukit Hijau Mountains (Photo by Qingbao Meng)

For mountainous features and water features, in general, we consider a good formation to be when there are mountains behind the house and water features in front of the house. There are exceptions of course, but the easy and simple thing to see as a positive feature is if our external environment of your property has this formation.

Mountains are a key component in looking at the external environment as a good Qi reservoir, as they are a gathering place for Qi, in other words, the source of Qi on earth.

Not all mountains will be positive Qi energy, it should be noted that there are certain forms of mountains that are positive, and some that are negative. Basically, we want the mountains in the external environment of our property to be gentle, lush (usually green and full of vegetation), and not full of steep rocks.

According to the San Yuan Feng Shui system, for period 9 (from 2024 - 2043), the mountain formation external to the property is ideal to be located in the Southern part of your property.

For the next period (period 1 starting from 2044 - 2063) we would really like the mountain position located in the North area of your property.

External Features: Waters

Feng Shui Water Features
Lakes are Aquatic Features (Photo by Greeshma Gangadharan)

Water features are valued differently, and while we generally favor water features that are directly in front of the property, this does not mean that beachfront property locations will always be good.

Good water from a Feng Shui point of view is water that flows calmly, so sea water that is very choppy and subject to strong winds is something we should keep away from as the Qi in that area will be too easily dispersed and cannot be properly contained.

Streets are also considered water features, as they are the main land that people walk on most often, meaning they carry Qi that your property can use.

Water features will basically be positive when the bearer is calm, just like highways that are in the external environment, they will be better when they are not noisy and congested at all times.

Internal Feng Shui of the House for Smooth Sustenance

When we discuss the internal Feng Shui of a property, what needs to be considered is the presence and location of 4 main features: Main Door, Bedroom, Kitchen, and Work/Study.

This is not to say that other areas of the property are not important, but where human energy is, that is where the Qi energy of the universe will also react.

Looking at the formations of the internal features of the house does not mean that we have to paint all our interiors red, or the color of the floor and walls blue, in fact it can be said that color has only a small effect on the Qi energy around us.

The formation of the four major internal factors is more important than the color, as long as the four major factors are in a good place and suitable direction, the energy flowing into your property will be more positive.

Home Internal Feng Shui
Feng Shui Home (Photo by Abbilyn Zavgorodniaia)

Internal Features: Main Door

Why is your home's Main Door important? The Main Door is the main entrance for Qi energy from the external environment.

Therefore, the Main Door is very important to bring a positive and favorable form to the occupants of the house.

A good external environment combined with a good home Main Door will make your home a positive Qi processor that will benefit all residents.

What must be remembered is that the Main Door must not be covered by a pillar or a bad shape in front of it, such as covered by a mountain, or covered by a tree that is too jungle.

If the shape and appearance of the Main Door area is good, along with a supportive external environment, then any Flying Star that is in the Main Door location and your home will bring more positive energy than negative.

Feng Shui Main Door
Feng Shui Main Door (Photo by Sophie Dale)

Internal Features: Bedroom

The bedroom is one of the most important areas in your home as you will be spending at least 4 - 6 hours per day in this room.

The Bedroom area is an area that should be quiet, free from noise disturbance, free from negative Qi energy arising from the external or internal environment of your home.

The bedroom is the area where we rest and restore the vitality of our body and mind to be able to move again, so if there are difficulties in relationships with others or health, we can see from your bedroom area.

When looking at the bedroom, the main concern is not only to ensure Qi can enter the bedroom but we also attach importance to the position of the bed and the location of the bedroom.

The location and direction seen is the head of the bed, where the head of this bed should be placed on one of the solid walls in the bedroom.

The shape of the room is also something we should assess, just like the shape of the house, a square or rectangular shape is always preferred over other shapes.

The roof of the bedroom should also not be sloping and not passed by pillars or beams - wooden beams or other materials.

Feng Shui Bedroom
Bedroom Feng Shui (Photo by Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd.)

Internal Features: Kitchen

Why is the kitchen so important for a Feng Shui audit? The kitchen is where food is prepared and cooked. The food we will eat becomes our body's energy source.

Therefore, if the Qi in the kitchen is not good, then the residents of the house may experience health problems.

However, for families or individuals who more often eat dishes from restaurants or outside the home, we should pay more attention to the dining room where the food is eaten to see the health of the residents.

A faulty or poorly located kitchen usually indicates poor health or shortens the lifespan of the occupants.

The kitchen is also seen as a place where Qi energy is processed to become more digestible, because of this sometimes the kitchen can be placed in a place that is according to 8 Feng Shui Mansions your home is a poor cave area.

By having the kitchen in a negative area, the cooking can decrease the negative energy and make the house as a whole more positive.

Feng Shui Kitchen
Kitchen Feng Shui (Photo by roam in color)

Internal features: Work/Study Room

The last area of the room that we should pay attention to is the child's workspace or study room.

With the internet and culture work from homeAs a result, there is an increasing need for a home office or reading room.

Usually in reading or doing work we will use this space for more than 2 hours, and in Feng Shui science, this area becomes an important area for processing Qi energy into work or the results of our brain absorption.

If your livelihood is affected by the work you do within your workspace, then you will want to ensure that not only is the space free of distractions, but that the type of Qi affecting the room, conducive to your work is also positive.

Academic activities or knowledge acquisition are also well considered in this room, especially those notions that require more focus. 

Feng Shui Workspace
Feng Shui Workspace (Photo by Michael Soledad)

Feng Shui for Apartment or Condominium

Is there a difference for energy flow in an apartment compared to a house? In Xuan Kong Feng Shui, there are many techniques that use the star replacement method so that each floor of apartments and condominiums has a different Flying Star energy.

Not only that, each area in the audited apartment unit will be different depending on the location of the apartment's main door.

Basically, looking at the energy entering the apartment should be based on the balcony area in the apartment unit.

In other words, the balcony or the room with the largest window in the apartment is considered to be the Entrance of Qi energy into the apartment.

Not only that, to see the Qi energy according to the Flying Star Feng Shui of the apartment, the benchmark is the first year there is a resident in a unit in the apartment, and the Main Door of the apartment building, not the location of the entrance to your apartment unit.

This is what sometimes confuses most Feng Shui consultants, that apartments and condominiums have different facing areas with the facing of the main door or balcony of the apartment unit being audited.

In addition, floors have different Gua element energies, so there is also something called floor selection for apartment buyers.

For other locations within the apartment, all the features for the home Feng Shui audit, i.e. Bedroom, Kitchen, and Work/Study should still be considered and assessed like any other.

Feng Shui for Apartment or Condominium
Feng Shui for Apartment (Photo by deborah cortelazzi)

Feng Shui Location and Direction

When discussing location and the direction of sitting or sleeping, we must understand that priority is always given to location, after all.

If any part of your property is missing or cut off due to a non-standard property shape, such as a triangle, or parallelogram, or oval, then there is a possibility that the property has missing sectors.

A lost sector means that the energy of that sector cannot be used by the occupants of the property, however, even if we sit facing a good direction in that area, it still cannot balance the energy loss in that area.

This is why the location where we perform the activity will be prioritized over the direction we are facing when performing the activity.

Feng Shui is the Science of Changing Fate

Feng Shui is about harnessing your life Qi (energy) in a way that utilizes your living environment to help you achieve your goals.

Feng Shui is not only useful as a tool to turn your home into a wealth magnet but also to make your home, where you spend most of your working hours and life, a comfortable and pleasant place to live.

Therefore, it is objective to do Feng Shui audit on your property is very important.

Without an orientation and vision for yourself, the Feng Shui practitioner will find it difficult to provide good input for the residents of your home.

With your desired end result in mind, a Feng Shui expert can guide you to find a property that best utilizes the Qi around you so as to focus that Qi towards your ultimate goal.


Feng Shui as Qi Regulation

Chinese character Qi
Chinese character Qi

Qi is the essence of Feng ShuiAll that we do to improve the flow of energy in Feng Shui techniques has to do with Qi.

Basically, the concept of Feng Shui is to collect good Qi.

What exactly is this Qi? Read our article about Qi (or Chi).

Qi is the cosmic and natural energy found in the universe.

One thing to remember is that Qi flows in natural conditions, not man-made ones.

As Qi flows, the occupants of the property become healthier, more energized and able to perform better, thus contributing to their wealth and ability to capitalize on opportunities.

When good Qi is blocked, or when Qi does not reach a property, then the well-being of the occupants is affected, which in turn affects performance, relationships with those around them and their capacity to function at their best.

When people are unhappy or sick, they do not work optimally and cannot see opportunities coming in front of them.

In this modern era, many evolutions of Feng Shui have to keep up with the changing times, including looking at skyscraper structures and also highways and highways full of vehicles.

It is important to note that not all Qi is positive, even in Feng Shui teachings, we should be able to avoid or avoid what is referred to as Sha Qior evil qi.

Feng Shui Consultation

There are three main energies that control our lives known as the Cosmic Trinity.

The kismet or fate of a person is controlled by this Cosmic Trinity.

Chinese characters of Bumi Manusia's Heaven
Chinese Characters for Heaven, Earth, and People

The first is Energy from Heaven (Heavenly Energy) that is beyond our control, which is usually referred to as "karma".

This energy controls 33% of our lives.

Human Energy are our desires, actions, and beliefs.

Energy also carries 33% from our lives.

The last energy is Earth Energy.

Earth Energy brings 33% from our lives, which is everything around us.

The sun, rain, winds, mountains, rivers and all the elements that surround you, even if you don't believe it, will affect us all equally.

However, if you can control the flow of Earth energy and Human energy, believing in this technique, then you will bring 66% of your total life energy into a better direction.

This is where Feng Shui can help you.

With a good flow of Qi, plus your actions and beliefs, then "karma" You can get carried away with a better flow in the end.

You can significantly change or control your life path.

Here's how Feng Shui works.

Let us help you by explaining in detail all the energies that affect your home, property or business location.

In each sector of analysis, we are able to show how the direction of cosmic energy can affect each occupant of the property.

Feng Shui Luopan
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