Feng Shui 8 Mansions: Long Term Energy

June 1, 2022
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Feng Shui 8 Mansions is one of the classic concepts of Chinese metaphysics that has a strong foundation rooted in compass directions.

If you're not familiar with Feng Shui, read up first. Feng Shui 101 to understand the basic focus of Feng Shui teachings.

The Chinese name for Feng Shui 8 Mansions is Ba Zhai (八宅).

Ba Zhai or Eight Mansions is also a system derived from the San Yuan Feng Shui system.

In Flying Star Feng Shui, the Chi map of the property is derived from the calculation of the Star numbers and then used to determine the Chi quality in every sector of the house.

In 8 Mansions Feng Shui this is not the case, instead we will understand the unique and highly personalized individual Chi patterns of the residence and then match the House to each individual living in it.

Since Chinese characters can carry a variety of meanings, Ba Zhai can be literally translated into various terms when we start to decipher it.

While the number 8 can ensure that there are 8 areas that we will see in this Feng Shui system.

The Chinese character Zhai (宅) can be translated to mean house, mansion, dwelling, or in other words the place where humans live and live daily.

Real Estate (Photo by  Michelle Adams)

The most famous classic text on feng shui 8 mansions is the one written by Yang Yun Song (杨筠松) titled Ba Zhai Ming Jing (八宅明鏡) which can be literally translated as 8 Bright Mirrors of the House.

It should be noted that the origin of this Feng Shui 8 Mansions concept cannot be attributed to its author.

His work helped students understand the concepts and logic behind these systems, but he was not the creator of the theory itself.

Basic Theory of Feng Shui 8 Mansions

As the name suggests, Feng Shui 8 Mansions basically classifies a house or residence into 8 types of energy.

Ba Zhai considers eight different types of houses, each with its own energetic map, depending on one of the eight possible eight cardinal directions (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest).

Unlike the Flying Star Feng Shui, the energy map of this Feng Shui 8 Mansions does not change over time.

This means that the time factor is not taken into account in this calculation.

Therefore calculations are more suitable for long-term goals rather than achieving short-term results and understanding the luck of the house in a particular month or year.

Stars and Cosmos (Photo by Casey Horner)

Ba Zhai (Feng Shui 8 Mansions) is based on the Eight Traveling Stars.

Each of these stars has its own identity and personality, and is associated with one of the eight I Ching trigrams. There are 4 positive stars and 4 negative stars.

They belong to the Eastern group (Water, Wood and Fire stars) or the Western group (Metal and Earth stars).

On the other hand, each person has a trigram or star depending on their year of birth, called in Chinese Ming Gua, which is also related to the Eastern or Western elements and groups.

If a person or house belongs to the Eastern group (Water, Wood, or Fire stars) then the orientation and sector of the Eastern group is positive and the direction of the Western group (Metal and Earth elements) is unfavorable and vice versa.

Please note that there are 2 universal energies in the eyes of Feng Shui 8 Mansions:

  1. Home Energy
  2. Individual Life Star Energy

In other words, apart from the Chi of the house you live in, the life energy of each person is also different, and this is why in the same location each person can receive different energies, the first person may be more successful in his career, the second person may have a better relationship with his family or friends.

8 Sectors of Feng Shui 8 Mansions

The energy map of the Feng Shui 8 mansions divided as 4 Yang and 4 Yin, although often referred to as Positive and Negative, has different strengths and effects.

What was negative in the past is not necessarily negative in today's modern world.

Except for the Jue Ming sector, the other 3 Yin sectors can be considered to have good strength for certain activities.

Broadly speaking, these are the 8 types of universal energy taught by Feng Shui 8 Mansions:

  1. Sheng Qi (生气)
  2. Tian Yi (天医)
  3. Yan Nian (延年)
  4. Fu Wei (伏位)
  5. Huo Hai (祸害)
  6. Wu Gui (五鬼)
  7. Liu Sha (六煞)
  8. Jue Ming (绝命)

We emphasize again that we will divide these 8 sectors into Yang and Yin sectors, not good and bad sectors.

Sheng Qi (SQ) - Life Generating

Sheng Qi (生气) is one of the 8 fundamental energy bases in Feng Shui 8 Mansions.

It is also one of the 4 Yang energies, often agreed to be the most beneficial among the existing energies.

In our language, Sheng Qi (SQ) is often called various names including life-generating Chi, life force, growth energy, prosperity sector, wealth direction, creation palace, success sector, etc.

The reason for this diverse set of terms is because of the name.

The Chinese letter Sheng can be translated to mean growth, birth, life, rise, raw, etc.

While the Chinese letter Qi can be translated to air, universal energy, weather, sky energy, etc.

But it is generally agreed upon as a life energy force in Feng Shui.

It should be noted that as a term of 2 words, 生气, is a term that describes an emotional and angry state in common Chinese conversation.

But in Feng Shui 8 Mansions, this 2-word term is broken into two words with a combined meaning instead of an angry meaning.

Regardless of the term, it is accepted that Sheng Qi is an energy source that is associated with wealth, success, progress, achievement, authority, etc.

The underlying theme is sustainable growth.

So according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, this sector is best considered as the wealth sector in a house.

Success (Photo by Joshua Earle)

The location of Sheng Qi according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions is the best location for work or study rooms and the location of the main door.

If the location of Sheng Qi is the location of your main door or main balcony, then your home can easily receive good Chi energy for all your activities.

If the Sheng Qi area is used as a study or workspace, then your focus can produce better results for your work or provide enlightenment to absorb new knowledge in your studies.

If possible, don't build your kitchen or bedroom in a Sheng Qi location, as it will make you less able to rest properly, thinking about work all the time.

As the old adage goes, too much wealth destroys health, strike a good balance between productive activities and physical and mental rest.

Never get a house where this Sheng Qi sector is absent, as it can jeopardize the creativity and thinking ability of the residents.

If it is unavoidable, then Feng Shui can help you transform the existing energy into positive energy to make your thoughts match the direction of success you want and find you with timely solutions.

Tian Yi (TY) - Heavenly Doctor

Tian Yi (天医) is 1 of the 4 Yang directions in Feng Shui 8 Mansions with the second best positive power after Sheng Qi.

The words Tian Yi (TY) can be interpreted as celestial help, astral healer, good healer, or even a title given to a sinsei who is highly regarded in terms of his ability to heal others.

We can interpret this Tian Yi sector as the health sector, although it can also be interpreted as the auspicious sector of meeting wise people, those who will be able to help you on this path of life.

If you are someone who likes to have a lot of friends around you, people who bring color and experience to your life, the Tian Yi (TY) sector is one that you need to pay special attention to.

Tian Yi Sector (Photo by bruce mars)

The Tian Yi Sector according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions is the best location to correct internal illnesses both physical and emotional.

So it is not surprising that this sector is a good sector to use as a place to sleep or rest.

The Tian Yi location can also be used as a place to recover from fatigue by re-energizing your body through food and drinks that you cook yourself.

Thus this Tian Yi location is best suited for the bedroom or kitchen in your home.

If the Tian Yi location is used as a bedroom, then you and whoever is resting in the room will naturally be able to rest better and also become easier to recover from illness.

If the Tian Yi area is used as a kitchen, then all the food and drinks cooked and made in your kitchen, especially those using the stove in that room, will give positive energy to your body and mind.

If this location is used as a workspace or study space, then you will slowly find a way out of the difficulties you face by getting help from mentors or directions needed according to the place and time.

If this location is the location of the main door of the house, then the focus of your service to yourself, family, friends, and country is the slow accumulation of assets and land, be it in the form of houses, property, livestock, land, buildings, or even digital land.

In the wellness industry such as spas and massage parlors, it is also a suitable area to set up a room where customers relax and recharge in a quiet area.

Basically, the Tian Yi area is very promising to be used as any space where you can sit and do any activity.

So it's best not to use this area as a bathroom or storage area.

If the Tian Yi corner of the house is located in a non-existent sector, then the house does not have a health sector.

As such, household members may experience persistent nagging illnesses.

And in serious cases, severe health conditions may continue.

If there are no negative factors from outside or inside the home, then it is possible that residents may not feel pain, or may not be sensitive to their health problems.

Don't worry, because in Feng Shui there are ways to make the energy of the universe help you so that your health is well maintained.

Yan Nian (YN) - Longevity

The Yan Nian (延年) sector in Feng Shui 8 Mansions is often known as the longevity area.

This sector is one of the 4 Yang directions, which is favorable for establishing mutual happiness.

While the word longevity can be associated with the topic of health, Yan Nian is a sector identified as an area of connecting with others in a prosperous and harmonious manner.

So Yan Nian can be interpreted as a depiction of happiness with the relationship between individuals with family, friends, neighbors, and people around them.

While the Tian Yi sector brings good luck in meeting people who can help us, Yan Nian brings good luck in maintaining relationships with family, friends and people you meet.

So in many cases, this can be the most important sector for people whose careers are related to maintaining long-term relationships with their clients such as private bankers, insurance agents, partnerships, joint ventures, and other forms of sales and marketing personnel.

Together (Photo by Chang Duong)

Thus, according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, it can be concluded that the best areas for the Yan Nian sector are workspaces and meeting rooms.

If the Yan Nian area is occupied as a workspace or meeting room, then you can get more energy to continue and improve your career, especially those in the field of marketing and sales.

If the Yan Nian area is used as a bedroom, your relationship with your partner will be very good, and your thinking pattern will be clearer to dare to see others as potential friends instead of enemies.

If the main door is located in the Yan Nian area, then your success will lie in your movement with important people, getting to know people who are in positions that can move the industry, establishing long-term relationships by building connections.

In the office, Yan Nian is a great area for staff to take a break and socialize.

This could mean rest areas, pantries, and other types of staff-only areas.

An area that is not suitable for Yan Nian is the kitchen, because the element of the Yan Nian sector is the Metal element, while the kitchen is where the Fire element provides its power, so the Fire element will fight against the good Metal element, making the Yan Nian area less useful.

If the Yan Nian sector is not present in your home, then it is safe to say that building long relationships with friends and people around you is not a priority.

But if we know this, then it's good that we can introspect ourselves to change our thinking about long relationships slowly.

There are many ways through Feng Shui to make you more confident and make you more likeable to others.

Fu Wei (FW) - Stability

The Fu Wei (伏位) sector is generally understood as one of the 4 Yang directions so it is a favorable sector in the application of Feng Shui 8 Mansions.

Although it is widely known as the weakest sector among the 4 Yang sectors, it does not mean that this area is not good or profitable, quite the opposite.

The Fu Wei sector is known as your identity sector, which is your personal sector according to the number of Gua or Living Star you get.

The aspects of life attributed to Fu Wei are stability, improvement, and general smoothness with peace of mind.

While the Fu Wei direction sector of the house may be less appealing in design, it can actually be the most favorable area of the house for someone involved in a career who likes stability and predictability.

Identity Sector (Photo by Nijwam Swargiary)

Thus, according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, this sector is very good when it can be used as a bedroom, workspace, or main door.

If the Fu Wei sector is used as a bedroom, the occupant of the room will feel comfortable in their rest, not be affected by nightmares, and have peace of mind so that they can bring positive energy the next day.

If this sector is used as a workspace, then you will prefer to learn and face new things so it will be very easy to develop in attitude and thinking.

This sector is great for building your confidence, as well as your ability to absorb new knowledge, so it is often used as a sector to learn or practice skills.

If your main door is in the Fu Wei sector, then you will be known as a person with a positive reputation, who is kind and gives goodness through your actions and behavior to the people around you.

If this area is used as a kitchen area, the quality of the food produced on the stove in this room will increase.

This is different from the positive energy in the Tian Yi sector that can heal, where taste and deliciousness are important.

If this sector is not present in your home, then you must be careful to be able to shape and achieve the goals you want.

A person's identity is like the foundation of a building, if the foundation is weak, then the whole building will be unbalanced.

If you are worried about losing this sector, then there are other ways in Feng Shui to bring in abundant energy and stabilize the power of your identity.

Huo Hai (HH) - Mishaps

Among the 4 Yin sectors that are considered unfavorable in Feng Shui 8 Mansions, Huo Hai (祸害) is the weakest.

But this doesn't mean the sector can be ignored, as there are other objectives in this sector.

This sector is known as the sector of making mistakes, accidents, getting into trouble due to activities.

The key word here is activity; meaning that all these negative events happen because of the activities that we do.

In China in the past, if we wanted to expand our business, we would migrate to the surrounding areas.

This is why people who frequently travel outside are more likely to be exposed to disasters.

For example, a person who stays at home is at a lower risk than a person who drives a car 2 - 4 hours a day.

In other words, if we look at the positive and have an optimistic outlook then these things are challenges to overcome and not obstacles to progress.

Conquering these challenges is just part and parcel of the road to success.

Therefore the Huo Hai sector can be seen as a good sector for people who like to travel, like to see new areas, like to try something new.

Life would be more meaningful if we had more adventures, right?

As long as this sector does not have excess negative energy (Sha Chi), it can actually be made into a sector for the bedroom or kitchen.

Adventurous Spirit (Photo by Boxed Water Is Better)

According to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, if Huo Hai is your bedroom sector, your mind will be more receptive to new things and trying new things.

Everything new and cool can be seen as something exciting and interesting to try, making your life more colorful.

While Huo Hai as the kitchen area will make the negative energy in this sector weaken, so you don't have to fear any accidents due to your activities and activities.

Avoid the Huo Hai sector as your study or work area, as this area will make you unfocused to work on something, you will jump around in thinking.

If the main door is in the Huo Hai sector, then you are more willing to try speculative things in pursuit of profits.

Whether it's Trading Robots or Crypto and NFTs, they are all speculative and can generate tremendous wealth but can also be detrimental.

If the Huo Hai sector is not present in your home, then residents may not think much about long walks or be afraid to try new things.

While the Huo Hai sector is generally regarded as a negative sector that brings problems to life, how we perceive challenges can greatly affect how bad or how good they can be.

Fear not, there are other Feng Shui techniques that can ease your adventurous spirit.

Wu Gui (WG) - Five Ghosts

The Wu Gui (五鬼) sector in Feng Shui 8 Mansions is one of the 4 sources of Yin energy from which we can draw spiritual values.

Rationally, this is also the area where you connect with people who can add more stress to your life.

But that doesn't mean we should avoid this sector outright.

On the other hand, if we are people who seek peace and spiritual deepening, then the Wu Gui sector will greatly help us on our spiritual path.

Like other areas, it is best if there is no Sha Chi or bad energy coming from the outside or inside of the house.

Always make this area cozy and tidy, not piled up with a lot of unsightly items.

Avoid this area in case of excessive arguments between workmates.

When one is affected by the Wu Gui sector, it can lead to discord, conflict, betrayal, falling victim to gossip and jealous rumors.

The direction and sector of Wu Gui is associated with the fire element, and has similarities with the star of purity (廉贞星).

Spiritual Sector (Photo by Conscious Design)

In other words, according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, the Wu Gui sector will be a better sector if there is a kitchen in this sector.

Why the kitchen? In Feng Shui, the kitchen and the area where the stove is located where cooking takes place, is the source of the fire element which changes the form of energy from one form to another.

This makes the kitchen area an area that can transform and reduce the negativity of less desirable sectors.

In the Wu Gui sector, the Fire element will bring out the good energy of the sector more, the spiritual energy, the connection with the sacred path.

Therefore, the kitchen is usually the most desirable location because the kitchen is a special place in Feng Shui 8 Mansions that is able to turn negative sectors into positive ones.

It is worth considering that the Fire element will strengthen the Flying Star #5, which can bring disaster when present in a place affected by Sha Chi's bad energy.  

If the Wu Gui sector is the location of your main door, then you are likely to be transported to an encounter with a spiritual teacher or experience mysterious and mystical events.

If your workspace or study space is within the Wu Gui sector, then this area would be a good space for meditation, spiritual instruction, or prayer, but is not recommended as a location to earn money.

Meanwhile, if the location of the Wu Gui sector is in your bedroom, your life will shift to purer and holier thoughts.

Be careful if the bedroom is in the Wu Gui sector, because your focus will not be on reproduction or sex, it is not important to you.

So if you really want to be a celibate monk, vicar, priest, then the Wu Gui sector is a great sector for deepening your spiritual journey.

If you are forced to use this sector, don't worry, there are still other ways in Feng Shui techniques to steer your life on the right track.

Liu Sha (LS) - Six Killings

The Liu Sha (六煞) sector in Feng Shui 8 Mansions represents a source of Yin energy which can bring bad luck due to scandals and betrayals.

Despite the creepy name, Liu Sha energy does not mean death energy, but rather danger due to Qi energy that cannot be properly contained.

In ancient times, this sector of Liu Sha was often avoided, as it often brought checks or illnesses to the people in it.

However, with the times, it can be concluded that Liu Sha's sector is one that can bring you to meet people and connect quickly.

Basically, the Qi energy in this sector builds trust in the people around you and thus can also bring many people to want to be friends with you.

So what are the negatives? Because of this large number of friends, you need to be able to choose your friendships well.

Because often friends can throw you over the bus, or even most friends of the opposite sex can put a strain on your relationship with your partner.

This Liu Sha sector is often considered similar to the Blooming Peach sector in BaZi lessons, which means it can bring new encounters by accentuating your charisma and making you more likable to many people.

In addition, this sector is also known as a sector where items can simply disappear, so be careful with your belongings whenever you activate this sector.

Love to Hang Out (Photo by Priscilla Du Preez)

So, according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, this Liu Sha sector is probably a sector that should be well taken care of.

The main door in Liu Sha's sector portrays a good energy to get you noticed on social media, meet and build new relationships, make you a good influencer, or be a marketing whiz.

But that doesn't mean Liu Sha's sector is a good place to work or learn, unless you want to work in sales and marketing where meeting people is of utmost importance.

Never put the kitchen in the Liu Sha sector, because Liu Sha is the Water element, and the kitchen is the Fire element; they don't mix well, so all the positive energy is weakened.

Whereas Liu Sha's sector of the bedroom is a great place to think about sexual encounters, not for long relationships, but more focused just on romance.

If you have a family, then it's a good idea to put the Liu Sha sector in a place that is rarely used such as a warehouse or bathroom.

Jue Ming (JM) - Life Threatening

The Jue Ming (绝命) sector in Feng Shui 8 Mansions has a name that means death or the inevitable end of life.

But we should all be aware that these labels or interpretations of words must be understood from the basis that led to this conclusion.

The term Jue Ming (JM), or life-threatening energy, is used in this context primarily to describe the extremely severe bad luck that can befall a household if negative Sha Chi energy is present within that sector.

Therefore, you need to take full care that this sector is not polluted by negative energies from outside or inside.

Of all the sectors, this is arguably the one that should be avoided in the long run.

Other sectors have positive value and energy that can be cultivated for the benefit of the life we need, but this Jue Ming sector will only add accidents, bad luck, serious illness, and difficult challenges.

Continuous Challenge (Photo by Matthew Henry)

According to Feng Shui 8 Mansions, from among the four most important locations in your home, only the kitchen area is still OK to use as a Jue Ming sector.

If the Jue Ming sector is in the kitchen, provided you cook and use the Fire Stove in this kitchen, the bad energy from the Jue Ming sector can be weakened.

Another way to weaken this sector is to keep it in an area that is never used such as a warehouse.

If your bedroom is located in the Jue Ming sector, this will harm you, because in thinking about things you will base them on fear, making you paranoid.

If your workspace is in the Jue Ming sector, then the obstacles and hindrances in your work will feel more and more severe.

This makes it difficult for you to act and weakens your connection with wise people who can help you.

If the Jue Ming sector is located at your main door, you will find it difficult to make a living in life.

Your income may fluctuate, depending on outside factors, and there is a lot of potential to run a high-risk business that makes it difficult to sustain.

What if you have to resort to using this sector? Don't worry, there are still other avenues in other Feng Shui techniques that can help you.

8 House Types According to Feng Shui 8 Mansions

Every house has an energy that was born at the time of its construction according to Feng Shui 8 Mansions.

To determine the type of your house, what is looked at is the reverse direction of where the house is facing or known as the sitting direction of the house.

Vaguely like in Flying Star Feng Shui, the facing direction of a house is independent of the facing direction of the main door in 8 Mansions.

Since the main door to a property may be on the other side of the house that doesn't face the best street or neighborhood.

Once the facing direction of a house is identified, the opposite direction will automatically become the sitting direction of the house.

There are 2 divisions of house areas according to house type in Feng Shui 8 Mansions, namely West Group houses and East Group houses.

West Group House

Northeast Sitting House - GEN Cave
Southwest Sitting House - KUN Cave
West Sitting House - DUI Cave
Northwest Sitting House - QIAN Cave

East Group House

House Sitting North - KAN Cave
East Sitting House - ZHEN Cave
Southeast Sitting House - XUN Cave
South sitting direction house - LI Cave

Individual Living Star (Cave) at 8 Mansions

Although the energy and sector of 8 Mansions can be seen from the direction in which the house sits, it turns out that each person is born with a different Gua or Living Star energy.

Thus, the sectors of Feng Shui 8 Mansions that one person has will be different from others.

Of course you will meet people who have the same Gua number as you, which means you can both focus the positive areas of your home together.

This means that we may find that what works for us may be different from what works for our partner.

Or it could be that you and your partner are both from the same group, making it easier to plan the areas of your home.

As before, there are 2 groups that distinguish the 8 numbers of the Cave of life, namely:

Cave Number 2, 4, 6, and 8 is the West Group Cave number.

Cave Number 1, 3, 7, and 9 is the number of the East Group Cave.

The West Group has more good sectors in the West direction.

The East Group has more good sectors in the East direction.

You might ask, why isn't number 5 on the list above?

In Feng Shui 8 Mansions, number 5 is considered to be the middle number, where the foundation is located, and as such, number 5 is not used as the Living Star (Cave) number, and is switched to another number.

Your Living Star (Cave) Number

How to find your Cave of Life number?

Easy to do, follow these steps:


Add each number in your year of birth down to just 1 digit:

Example: Year of birth 1995.

1 + 9 + 9 + 5  =>  10 + 14  =>  24  =>  2 + 4  =>  6


For Men, do the math 11 minus the number obtained in the first stage.

If the number obtained is the number 5, then your Cave number is 2.

Example of number 6: 11 - 6 => 5 => 2

For women, do the math 4 plus the number obtained in the first stage.

If the number obtained is the number 5, then your Cave number is 8.

Example of the number 6: 4 + 6 => 10 => 1 + 0 => 1

Now that we have found our Living Star (Gua) number, the next step of course is to find and interpret the favorable wind direction for our Gua number.

Sector 8 Mansions for Living Stars

Take a look at the list below to determine a good cardinal direction according to your Cave Number.

Cave No.Sheng Qi (SQ)Tian Yi (TY)Yan Nian (YN)Fu Wei (FW)Huo Hai (HH)Wu Gui (WG)Liu Sha (LS)Jue Ming (JM)
No Gua (Living Star) and 8 Mansions locations

If you have Cave number 2 (Kun), then you belong to the West Group, where the Yang sector will be more in the West (W, NW, SW, NE).

Noting that Cave number 2 has Sheng Qi in the NE (Northeast) corner, and Tian Yi in the W (West) corner, it is a good idea to have your bedroom in the West of your house.

Feng Shui for Apartment (Photo by deborah cortelazzi)

How to apply Feng Shui 8 Mansions

Once we know the locations and energy plan for our home or the individuals occupying the home, then we must activate and apply our techniques and activities so that we can receive the positive energy we want.

We are reminded of the concept of Location and Direction in Feng Shui.

We give more priority to location, and then only to the direction we are facing or facing away from when sitting.

By doing activities in the room in a good sector, then slowly the development of energy within you will adjust the sector energy that has been interpreted by Feng Shui 8 Mansions.

The easiest example, you work in your workspace which happens to be Sheng Qi for you.

You will be in this area for about 6 - 8 hours every day and you know that all the negative energy (Sha Chi) has been diverted and extinguished so that the energy you get in this sector is positive energy only.

Then slowly your creativity and character will be formed and bring success in your life.

This success can take many forms, it can be financial, it can be spiritual, it can be relational, it can be courageous, and many others.

However, because Feng Shui 8 Mansions is a timeless Feng Shui technique, the positive or negative traits it releases will not be seen immediately.

In other words, it takes a long time to see the changes that occur, but these changes will bring about internal and external changes in our own attitudes and character, or arguably be more permanent.

Applying Universal Energy (Photo by Elia Pellegrini)

With the development of the times, in this modern world, many other Feng Shui techniques can be done in conjunction with this Feng Shui 8 Mansions, especially the Flying Star Feng Shui that is most widely heard and used by people.

Therefore, looking at Feng Shui from several techniques will lead us all to a more positive, more blessed, more fulfilling, and more enjoyable path.

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